The Luddy School is thrilled to announce the launching of Luddy Net, a new opportunity for Luddy alumni and friends to engage with the Luddy School, our alumni, and our students.
Luddy Net evolved out of a series of discussions by the Luddy School Alumni Board about connecting alumni with the school. Current students, faculty, and staff did not have a space to share engagement opportunities with alumni and supporters, while alumni were eager to get engaged, but were unsure of the best path. The creation of Luddy Net encourages relationship-building and skill-sharing amongst all Luddy stakeholders.
“The opportunity for alumni to connect to the school is invaluable, and the Luddy School is always looking for a way to help build those bonds,” said Joanna Millunchick, dean of the Luddy School. “There are so many special projects and ventures that create excitement around the school, and Luddy Net will help bring the past and the present together to create a brighter tomorrow.”
Luddy faculty and staff will update opportunities, which currently include engaging with student innovation and entrepreneurship (alumni working with students); supporting the school in the undergraduate admissions cycle – writing postcards to admitted students, attending events, and participating in alumni panels; and participating in a career video project that will help students understand career opportunities.
More options include joining the Indiana University Alumni Association, nominating someone for Luddy School Alumni Awards, making a gift to the Luddy School, naming a chair in Dorsey Hall, buying an item from the Luddy Store (in person or online) or asking your employer about recruiting at Luddy and posting jobs.
Ready to get started? Register now!